St. Louis Content Marketing Agency

Content writing with a fountain pen

What you know could be just as valuable to your business as what you sell.

Your knowledge and expertise has tremendous potential to grow your business. Everyday, your potential customers and clients are searching Google and YouTube, browsing through Facebook and Instagram, and looking for answers to questions you know the answer to. Imagine if they knew to come to you to find them? Our proprietary 490 factor approach to marketing utilizes content marketing as a pillar of how we grow clients’ audiences, lead pools, and customer bases. Content marketing blends multiple marketing disciplines together to provide your audience with the information they need, when they need it, in the way they want to receive it.

Meet the Audience Where They Are
with Content Marketing

Through our discovery process, Kolbeco develops a deep understanding of your business and the audience you’re trying to reach. We use that information to identify where your expertise aligns with the needs for your audience. Using that insight, we develop and implement strategies to position your company as the expert you are and show up in the places where your customers are looking.

Our goal is to use content marketing to develop a deep relationship of trust between you and your audience, sometimes even before they know they need your product of service. While getting a sale is great, business success today relies on your ability to earn the trust and long-term loyalty of your customers. We’ve helped clients across the United States, in all industries leverage content marketing to build a relationship with their customers that goes so much deeper than a transaction.

What’s the 490 factor?