Angie Hacks: WordPress Security 101

For many brands, your website is one of your biggest assets. It shows personality, authority and dependability. In many cases, it may even be your first impression for a new customer. So what happens when your site gets hacked and used against you? All of a sudden, that once stable asset is a liability, and a nightmare.

Security concerns are all around us. Websites are no different. Sites are hacked every day and while no site is ever invincible, there are a few easy steps that even a less technically-savvy site owner can take to divert the target. And now I present, Angie Hacks.

  • Passwords – You hear it all the time; make it long, unique and obscure.   It applies everywhere, but especially on your website.
  • Usernames – Don’t use ‘admin’ as a username. It is more common than you think. Having to hack a username/password combo is one thing. But having a generic username just gave away half of the scenario.
  • Updates – In the technical world, there will always be updates. Every new WordPress update will help patch potential vulnerabilities. The same goes for all tools and plugins that you use on your site. Make sure your site is up-to-date to minimize the access points.
  • Backups – Make regular backups of your site. Most people don’t realize how old their backup is, until they need it. By then, it’s too late.  How often should you run a backup? It depends on how often you update your site. Look at the changes you have made to your site recently. Are they monthly, weekly? The goal here is to make sure you have a current backup that you can use quickly without having to re-create your recent edits. Look at your site and come up with a regular backup schedule that works for your needs.

No site is ever hack-proof.  All you can do is make it less-vulnerable. Make sure your site remains an asset, not a liability. I hope you enjoyed these Angie Hacks, be sure to keep your eyes peeled to see what topic I tackle next!


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