Your Website is Launched! Now What?

Launching a shiny new website is an exciting time. You may think once that is done just sit back and watch the web traffic roll in, right? Well, that’s not going to happen, not at least until you get local search engines to help you, as you would most definitely need quality vendors to help you market the website all across the internet to generate more traffic towards it. The website is out on the internet, but does Google know about it? There’s still more to be done to gain search ranking. First, Google needs to know about the site. Second, it will take persistence & consistency to move it up the search rankings. So, what needs to be done now and what needs to be done moving forward to ensure your online success? Let’s take a look. Managing SEO and web traffic is an ongoing task, but if you take the help from a company like SEO Edinburgh then it’s worth it as it’ll give you time to focus on the other aspects of your company.

  1. Have A Sitemap – This is a directory of all the site’s pages and files. It includes a ton of information that search engines love; like how often content is updated and how the pages link together. It helps Google crawl and index the site more efficiently. Keep in mind that Google wants new, updated content. If the Sitemap shows that you just posted a new blog, search engines will know about it.
  2. Submit the website to Search Engines – Google will eventually find the website and add it to their search results, but why not give them a hand? Ask your web developer if they submitted your site to Google. Google makes it easy via its Developer tools and it gets you one step closer to being found in their search results.
  3. 301 Redirects – Chances are, if you had a previous website, you have some old URLs that are now dead links. Make sure those links have been redirected with 301 Redirects. Having these permanent redirects in place will let search engines know how to handle those URLs that do not exist anymore.  It creates a better user experience than having someone land on a 404 page and it will give your web presence more credibility.
  4. Domain Registration – Take a peek at the domain registration terms. A domain that is registered for 3 or more years will receive a higher SEO ranking because it says the business plans to be around for many years.
  5. SEO Strategy – Search Engine Optimization is somewhat of a moving target and it is important to assess it on a regular basis. Determining your goals will help in developing a strategy and assessment plan.
  6. The fun part… Write a blog – Remember, Google likes new and fresh content. Get on Google’s good side and give them what they want!   Write a blog. Write two blogs. Keep ‘em coming. If your site’s content gets stagnant, the all-knowing Google bots won’t visit your site and the site will start moving down in the search rankings.  Make sure the content is interesting and relevant to your audience so they keep coming back.
  7. Spread the Word – Use social media, use local listing pages, run online ads and use online contests and promotions. Shout it from the rooftops. Make sure the URL is listed and linked on your social media pages, your email signature and letterhead. Get it out there and be rewarded.

Launching a new website is a process but it doesn’t have to be hard, especially with the help of a great web development team and an ongoing web strategy. Spreading the word and writing new content will never stop. It will be hard work to establish and maintain a top spot in the search results, but it’s worth it. You just built a brand new, shiny website… keep it new and shiny. And keep it on top of the search results.

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