Tag: Blog

3 Simple Entrepreneurial Success Principles You’re Not Following

You can have the best ideas and all the knowledge in the world. And you will get nowhere without knowing your why. At the root of all of the above entrepreneurs’ greatness is an earnest focus on their brand.

A Modern Day Mad Men Moment

There is an underestimated value in what can happen when tangible marketing collateral is at the forefront of a branding effort. There is something to that Mad Men approach of rolling out a piece of creative work.

Why Your Best Creative Work Has Nothing to Do with You

Marxkors’ experience sheds wisdom on something that is true for any worthwhile, creative endeavor: It is amazing what can be created when serving the vision trumps personal glory.

The Secret to Marketing to Millennials: Stop Marketing to “Millennials”

The hot topic in journalism and marketing is figuring out how to appeal to Millennials these days. The problem is that 80 million people can’t all feel the same. In fact, they don’t. Yet marketers are strategizing as though Millennials have the same psychographics and belief system.

Back to School: Teachers Who Inspired Us

At KolbeCo, we consider ourselves to be constant learners – always remaining open to new ideas and methods. It has been a key part of our success. Here is our personal tribute to the teachers who have inspired us.

Eight Expert Recommendations for the Hottest Marketing Tactic

Many businesses are turning away from traditional forms of marketing – direct mail and print advertisements to focus time and money on email marketing. These businesses are more willing to embrace what’s new and hot in marketing in the hopes of reaching their target audience.

More than a Silly Guy: What I Learned from Tim Ezell

Tomorrow will be the final day of Tim Ezell’s fun and whacky run on Fox 2, so I couldn’t help but do a little reminiscing about the entertaining ways we worked together over the years. From negotiating with Busch Stadium to get him in for a segment after a barbecue snafu a few weeks earlier…
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The Branding Power of Color

Color association can be a useful marketing tool if you wish to convey an emotional visual connection. When you utilize the right color, you communicate to your audience who you are, what you represent and how you feel about them

Being Realistic is the Worst Thing You Can Do for Your Company

You are a person with creative means, so know two things: You are not alone in your desire for creating something remarkable, and we are counting on you. Do not accept circumstances as reality. Circumstances are fleeting.

I Led My Company Astray. And Was Rewarded for It

Even before I started working here, KolbeCo was a company that strayed away from a need to conform. But what they didn’t know after I started is that I would redefine the word “stray.” And that this new definition would have a huge impact on the company culture.