Tag: Blog

First Impressions

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Whether business or personal, those first fleeting moments will shape a person’s initial impression of you! As for the former, they are known to go so far as getting to websites like https://www.checkpeople.com/arrest-records to get a background check on you. First impressions can come in…
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Climbing The Fiscal Cliff

If you turn on the news these days, the Fiscal Cliff seems to be on everyone’s mind. So, what does that mean to your marketing? On one hand not much on the other hand maybe quite a lot. The reality of the situation is you need to look at your overall marketing strategy and reaffirm…
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Lessons from a “C” student

When I graduated from USC in 1994, our two commencement speakers were George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.  Both were receiving honorary doctorates that year from the University. Interestingly enough, while Lucas did graduate from USC, Spielberg did not due to poor grades. Both gave wonderful speeches, but there were two major lessons that I’ve carried…
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Death of a LIKE salesman

Last week Facebook announced that they would be taking a stand against fake people. No, they aren’t going after your girlfriend/boyfriend for refusing to make your relationship Facebook Official. They are targeting online-based companies who sell Facebook LIKES. This comes after years of complaints from businesses who have grown their fan-base organically only to be…
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Be Nice on Social Media

Earlier this week, we woke to the news that a local, family owned restaurant was engulfed in flames. Within a few minutes, a friend had emailed me to let me know it was a place we had all visited together on many occasions over the years.  We were both sad for many reasons, but most…
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Creating an EXPERIENCE

What if someone told you they wanted to start up a business, but there were already 200 other businesses doing the same thing in your local market? You’d probably doubt the odds of their success… But what if they could guarantee their customers had a unique, memorable and sharable experience? Well then they might be…
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Why should you outsource your marketing?

It is no secret that many companies—large and small—believe that bringing their marketing efforts in-house can not only preserve resources, but also the bottom line. While I can understand how one would come to that conclusion, it is simply not the case. I know what you might be thinking: “Of course you would be pro…
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Staying current as a PR Firm and as an entrepreneur in St. Louis

This morning I was at a Missouri Venture Forum meeting and heard a very encouraging speaker discussing the entrepreneurial outlook in St. Louis. The speaker was Judy Sindecuse, CEO of Capital Innovators. At the meeting, two things stuck with me. First, someone asked me how I stay current on PR trends in St. Louis. I…
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Not everyone is your audience – and that’s OK!

It never fails. At least once a year (maybe more) during a new client kickoff, we ask the question “who is your audience?” Then we receive an enthusiastic reply of “Everyone! Everyone can use/buy/benefit from my product or service!” Ugh. Now it’s time for me to burst your bubble and explain why not everyone is…
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Taking a Social Media Bite out of Crime

Think social media is just a way to let your friends know what you had for breakfast?  Think again.  The depth of social media is growing. Businesses and organizations are getting creative with how they leverage it to reach the masses, often in unexpected, yet highly effective ways. Wednesday, the Philadelphia Police Department did just…
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